New record-year for GO Equipped

95 participants took the GO Equipped course in Kaduna in Nigeria in August. Chris Edore (in the middle), was one of the main facilitators behind the course. Here he is together with Anthony and Joseph who participated  in the course.

2019 has become a new record year for Global Intent’s and Tent International’s GO Equipped courses. The steepest growth is now coming in the Spanish speaking world.

More than 400 participants from a vast number of nations have taken the GO Equipped course in 2019. This is up more than 50 percent from the 262 participants last year, which also was a record year. 

In 2019 courses have been held in Liberia, Nigeria, US, Cuba, Costa Rica, Norway, India and Brazil. In 2020 there will be courses in South Africa, Niger and Germany as well. 

Spanish speaking pioneers

Cuba and Costa Rica had their first-ever GO Equipped courses in 2019 and the turn-out indicates a bright GO Equipped-future in the Spanish speaking world. 

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Can it ever be OK to pay a bribe?

You have been working hard to build up a sustainable business in one of the poorer Muslim nations. Several families are now getting an income through your company. Your business is seen as a blessing to the wider society because of the good services you provide and the way you handle customers. You have also used some of the profit to take care of the needy in the society.

Your spouse and your kids love living in this nation. After many years you have your main network of contacts here. You have also seen many people giving their lives to Christ.

This year you are however facing a new problem. To have your accounting approved, you need four different offices to stamp your papers. Without the necessary approvals, you know that your business will be forced to shut down. You have already visited the offices several times to have things sorted out. Now only a few days remain until the deadline for having the accounting approved. 

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Tent International Invites international investors

Tent International is searching for investors who want to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups.

“Invest in unreached workplaces” is the slogan of Tent’s campaign where the company invites new investors to become owners.

Tent was organized as a limited company from the beginning in 2000. We are now doing a stock issue to finance our growth into new nations, explains Tent International’s director, Steinar Opheim.


The past years new Tent resource centers have been started in India, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Nigeria and Liberia. New branches are currently also being planned for Niger and South Africa with a tentative start-up in 2020. 

The national offices are planned to be self-sustained through their work within three years. At start-up we thus raise share capital sufficient for those initial three years. Half of the money invested comes from Tent International and the other half from national investors, says Opheim.

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Tentmaking Course Provides New Paradigm

40 eager professionals and businessmen gathered in September at the Hyatt Hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica. They came to learn about the tentmaking model of ministry.

A couple who participated in the Conference wrote the following:

“Thank you very much for planning this congress, I want to emphasize that it was a blessing for our lives, especially because many mission agencies do not understand the TentMaking, and have a bad conception of them. Unfortunately, doors have been closed to us when we ask about Bivocational opportunities since some agencies prefer only to have translation workers. This congress encourages us to understand that Tent Making is a super tool, and we really want to continue learning more, we look forward to the follow-up contact. Again, may God bless your lives too much and the Ministry that God has for you.”

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