I Love My Job

She’s a nurse, a MENA Total Employment tentmaker serving in a closed country for over 14 years.  She shares a brief window here into the countless opportunities God gives her–and the uncanny creativity she has for using them. She is totally employed in her God-given mission  to touch others with encouragement, good advice, spiritual truth, and a picture of Jesus’ help in their great need.

Mariam, what has kept you in a foreign country, supporting yourself, and in the same job for all these years?
I love my work!  This is my chance to give back all the opportunities and blessings I’ve been given.  I have a purpose for being here.  I can bring joy into the lives of the people around me.  I love bringing smiles to their faces.  Even when they’re on their sick bed, I want people to say, “I want to come back here!”  I like to think they want more joy, more peace, more of what they’ve experienced here. Continue reading

Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not-Evangelism – A Book Review

The book opens with a story about a teacher who presented the Gospel story to a group of bible college students. The presenter left out any mention of Jesus. Nobody noticed. Even when he told them something was missing and asked them to identify what was left out the students could not do it.

The purpose of the illustration was to demonstrate how we often are so wrapped up in our doctrines and facts about the Bible that we can leave Jesus out of the conversation and still think we have covered all the important teaching. The problem is we are just presenting information and not the person of Jesus.

Medearis summarizes, “I was so busy trying to convert people to Christianity that Jesus never had a chance.” Continue reading

Sharing Jesus {without freaking out} – A Book Review

When presenting the tentmaking model we are often challenged that tentmakers can’t be effective in sharing the gospel because their time is taken up with their work. This book was not written with the tentmaker in mind, but it is a great guide to help tentmakers learn how to integrate work and their faith in the course of everyday activities.

If you are like many people, the idea of sharing your faith in the workplace, or other everyday settings is scary. This book addresses those fears and provides very simple, and practical advice.

The book presents biblical principles to ease the fear of sharing Jesus in these places, and with the people, who most need to know him.

Reid exhorts us to not over complicate it. Too often we create elaborate plans and programs to share our faith. It should be less about delivering a practiced presentation and more like having a personal conversation. Continue reading