God Wired You for the Way He Wants to Use You

The phone rang in the Global Intent office. The call was from a successful banker in mid-career wondering what God was saying to him. He sensed God was calling him to get involved in overseas ministry and was seeking counsel. He felt frustrated and confused.

Banker’s Story

As we talked he explained he was selling the regional bank he founded and was in transition. Obviously, he was good at what he did. This was the second time he started with nothing and made it into a business other peoples wanted to buy from him. He was “wired” to be a good banker. He enjoyed it and he was good at it.

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GO Equipped Opportunities in May

Special offer for Tentmaking Today readers only. The early bird discount which saves you $50 on your registration fee has been extended until April 15. Just enter the scholarship code TENTMAKINGTODAY when you register.

To learn more and register: http:intent.org/atlanta-2019

GO Equipped tentmaking course

Bergen, Norway
May 29-June 2, 2019

For more information and to register follow the link –