A veteran tentmaker relates his faith journey into tentmaking mobilization and how God led him.
My wife Cindy and I were ill-prepared, intentional tentmakers headed off to the Middle East just two months after our wedding. The reality is that we were a couple of wide-eyed Midwestern kids eager to see the world and hopeful to contribute to God’s eternal Kingdom. We ended up in Tehran, Iran three months after boarding the freighter in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Our time in Iran awakened us to the need and marvelous opportunities to do exactly what Global Intent is doing today – inspire, mobilize, & equip tentmakers. It was about the same time that Christy Wilson published his book, “Today’s Tentmakers” from his experiences in Afghanistan. That wonderful confluence shaped our lives and has given us adventures that are in keeping with His promise to do “exceeding, abundantly above all” we could have ever expected or anticipated!
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