Forbidden to proselytize!

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. Rom 13:1

“When we obey the rules and laws of a nation, even though they may restrict or forbid proselytizing, God will open an even greater opportunity for the gospel than if we break the laws of the land.”

The above quote is from a returned tentmaker from the Hermit Kingdom where officials are aggressively trying to stop Christian expatriates from proselytizing and even spending time with locals outside of work hours.

The young tentmaker was adamant that he would always obey all the rules and regulations to their fullest. His morning prayer included asking God to help him be an honorable guest in this challenging country and thus leaving the door open for a miracle.

So how does one bring light into the darkness under such conditions?

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The 4 Questions Tentmakers Are Asked

The four most common questions that expatriate workers are asked by neighbors, coworkers, shopkeepers, taxi drivers and those they encounter are: 

  1. What is your name? 
  2. What do you do here? 
  3. Where are you from? 
  4. Do you believe in God? 

Everyone can answer the first three questions in under a minute, perhaps even without thinking about it too much. The fourth question requires thought, preparation, sensitivity, gentleness, respect, divine inspiration, and a time out. 

Check out Peter’s advice on this – 1 Peter 3:15,16. 

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