GO Offers Free Workplace Missions


Dave English

One of the greatest joys you can ever have is to help someone come to Jesus and follow him. Even greater is helping someone in another culture who has no knowledge of Jesus. If you’ve ever thought of this, then this seminar is for you.

The global job market has opened a huge door through which God can use you in your profession without raising support. North Americans are in demand around the world for their professional skills including running businesses. Copying the Apostle Paul’s model of earning his living by making tents in order to spread the gospel, this strategy is called tentmaking. The term Business as mission (BAM) is often used for running a business.

Come to the seminar to explore this option. Find out how God can use you. Discover how tentmaking opens doors you never imagined. Billy Graham believed this was the wave of the future. He said, “I believe that the next great move of God is going to be through believers in the marketplace.”

This seminar covers the issues. Learn advantages of workplace missions and answers to major challenges. Learn the core tentmaking model. Discover keys to being effective. And get a roadmap for going. Hear from those who’ve done it and coached tentmakers for years.

  • See the power of being a tentmaker:
  • Meeting real needs through your work
  • Not having to raise money for ministry
  • Regular connections with people who need Jesus
  • Enhanced credibility as an unpaid witness
  • A natural context for showing Christ to people

 And more. 

  • You will also be primed to meet tentmaking challenges like
  • Finding a job overseas
  • Bonding with a “strange” people
  • Witnessing without fear at work
  • Being effective in making disciples

Gain insights that open possibilities you have not seen before. Hear brief stories of real tentmaking impact. And have a chance to ask questions in sessions, during breaks and afterwards.

Finally, receive suggestions and resources for going further, learn about a tailor-made course to equip you to become effective, and take away a roadmap to going overseas as a tentmaker.

 What others are saying:

  Invaluable!! I’m so excited and motivated! — M.H.

There is also an increasing number of missionaries going out as professionals who support themselves through their own occupational employment…  Many countries which have restricted missionary presence are being served through Christians who have re-located to those countries and work in a wide array of fields for strategic purposes… Today one is likely to meet someone who is an English teacher or who is utilizing their technological expertise in some strategic part of the world.  Nevertheless, this is an important avenue through which many missionaries are being effectively placed around the world.