What’s in Your Hand

Moses, what is that in your hand? It’s just a stick!

I am always blessed to hear stories of tentmakers in hard places who seize upon what is already there to improve the lives of those around them. So many stories.


PROBLEM: We don’t have houses.
QUESTION: What do you have?
ANSWER: We have dirt, sand and plastic bottles everywhere…
SOLUTION: Let’s build you a house.

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The Devil Plays Hardball

The Call

Dwayne had a master’s degree in English and was teaching international students in his home city. He attended a two-hour tentmaking seminar and clearly heard from the Lord that he was to go to an unreached nation as an ESL teacher.

Next, he attended a four-day intensive course focused on all things tentmaking, where his vision was confirmed.

As someone who has been mobilizing and training tentmakers for 20 years, I have observed that there are 3 points in a tentmakers journey, where the evil one tries his best to stop them from going. 

The Enemy Attacks

First is when they hear about tentmaking missions and get excited about the possibility. As time passes, the flame flickers and dies. 

The second point is when they are ready to go, this is when the evil one gets worried and tries his best to stop them from leaving. Family issues, health concerns, job advancement, rationalization on being a sender instead of the sent, irrational fears of living in a strange culture etc.

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Your Passion – His Glory

If you answered YES to all three questions, I have good news for you!

Eric Liddell, gold medalist in the 1924 Olympics, on whom the movie Chariots of Fire was based, said this:
I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”
Eric went on to be a missionary in China and I doubt that he would have stopped running when he got there.

Have you ever felt God’s pleasure when pursuing your activity?

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Tentmakers Returning

We have good news. Those who did not have to return home are seeing a greater impact of their ministries and one especially is seeing an exponential growth in new disciples being born and forming small groups. It is even more amazing as this is happening in one of the most closed countries in the 1040 window (does anyone still use that term?) 

Those who are now returning are finding a vastly different situation as restrictions are still in place. God is in control and it is up to us to figure out what His plan is from here onwards. Some have had to revert to being ESL teachers in order to be able to return.

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