Can it ever be OK to pay a bribe?

You have been working hard to build up a sustainable business in one of the poorer Muslim nations. Several families are now getting an income through your company. Your business is seen as a blessing to the wider society because of the good services you provide and the way you handle customers. You have also used some of the profit to take care of the needy in the society.

Your spouse and your kids love living in this nation. After many years you have your main network of contacts here. You have also seen many people giving their lives to Christ.

This year you are however facing a new problem. To have your accounting approved, you need four different offices to stamp your papers. Without the necessary approvals, you know that your business will be forced to shut down. You have already visited the offices several times to have things sorted out. Now only a few days remain until the deadline for having the accounting approved. 

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Tent International Invites international investors

Tent International is searching for investors who want to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups.

“Invest in unreached workplaces” is the slogan of Tent’s campaign where the company invites new investors to become owners.

Tent was organized as a limited company from the beginning in 2000. We are now doing a stock issue to finance our growth into new nations, explains Tent International’s director, Steinar Opheim.


The past years new Tent resource centers have been started in India, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Nigeria and Liberia. New branches are currently also being planned for Niger and South Africa with a tentative start-up in 2020. 

The national offices are planned to be self-sustained through their work within three years. At start-up we thus raise share capital sufficient for those initial three years. Half of the money invested comes from Tent International and the other half from national investors, says Opheim.

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The missing link in the Great Commission

In order to fulfill the Great Commission, every believer needs to be a minister and every workplace a place of ministry.

900 participants from more than 100 nations took part at Lausanne’s Global Workplace Forum in Manila in June. Photo: Steinar Opheim

The words belong to bishop Efraim Tendero from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). He was one of the speakers at the Global Workplace Forum arranged by the Lausanne Movement in Manila June 25-29. Together with several others he pointed out how Christians at work is a missing link in accomplishing the great commission.

The Great Commission can never be fulfilled by pastors and missionaries alone. Yet the falsehood of a “sacred-secular divide” has permeated the Church’s thinking and actions, said Michael Oh, the Global Executive Director/CEO of the Lausanne movement.

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UN assigns special day for the persecuted

Christians are facing more persecution than any other religious group, according to a report made for the British authorities. In some places the persecution reaches “genocide levels”.

United Nations assigns August 22nd as a day for “commemorating the victims” of religious persecution. According to several reports no religious group is facing more persecution than the Christians.

Any act of violence against people belonging to religious minorities cannot be accepted, said Jacek Czaputowicz when he introduced the draft for the new initiative to fight religious persecution at UN’s General Assembly in May. Czaputowicz serves as the minister of foreign affairs in Poland. 

The international day will aim to honor the victims and survivors of persecution who often remain forgotten. We hope that it will help combat hate crimes and acts of violence related to religion or belief, and will further strengthen inter-religious dialogue, he added.

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