Record numbers for GO Equipped

The GO Equipped course gave me totally new perspectives on how we can serve God through our work, says Daniel McGee, who participated at a course in Liberia in February.

Global Intent’s and Tent’s GO Equipped courses have had record numbers of participants every year the past years. 2019 will be no exception. Close to 400 people from a variety of nations are expected to take the course this year.

The course season starts next week with a GO Equipped course in Ganta, Liberia. Then follow courses in Nigeria, Costa Rica, Niger, Ecuador and Brazil. 

It is amazing to see the interest for our GO Equipped-courses. Our capacity is limited by the number of teachers we have available – not by the number of people who want to take the course. To meet demands, it feels like we could run courses every week throughout the year, says Tent’s international director, Steinar Opheim.

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20 Liberians Planning to Go

Gbawoh realizes his dream
A long term dream became reality for Tent director Clinton T. Gbawoh when he and his team arranged the GO Equipped course in Monrovia, Liberia last month.

More than 70 people attended a GO Equipped course in Liberia in February this year. 20 of them have signed up to go as tentmakers.

My hope is that we can send the first tentmakers by the end of this year, says Tent Liberia’s director, Clinton T. Gbawoh. For him having the GO Equipped course in Monrovia is a long-term dream that became reality. In 2010 he attended an All Africa conference on tentmaking in Cameroon. Since then he has wanted to bring the GO Equipped-training to his home nation.

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China Wages War with Faith

Chinese worshippers
Crackdowns against Christians happen countrywide and in both state-approved and non-registered churches, writes Open Doors in their latest report on the situation for Christians in China.

China is waging war with faith. The nation should respect the sacred right of people to worship, said the U.S. ambassador for International Religious Freedom as he was speaking in Hong Kong last week.

The human rights situation in China has caused many concerns in recent past years. The current president, Xi Jinping, seems to be especially active in taking religious freedom away from the citizens of the world’s most populous nation. Foreign workers who have been living in China for years, are told to leave on short notice. Many unregistered churches who operated openly a few years ago, have now moved their work to secret places.

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Professionals instrumental in Chinese church growth

Chinese professional

Christian professionals have been instrumental in the tremendous church growth China has experienced the past decades. But now many expatriate workers are forced to leave the populous,Asian nation.

Brent Fulton, the founder of the ChinaSource news agency, has followed the church in China closely since the mid-1980s. In an interview with World Magazine done in October, he underlines the important role Christian professionals from other nations have played in the Chinese church growth.

You can find many Chinese Christians today who trace their faith journeys back to the witness of foreign Christians who came to teach on university campuses and start businesses, says the ChinaSource founder.

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