Substitute for Christ

The Substitute

For the first time in his life a tentmaker in Asia enjoyed being a substitute when his team was playing. Foto: Istockphoto.

For the first time in his life a tentmaker in Asia enjoyed being a substitute when his team was playing. Foto: Istockphoto.

A tentmaking student in Asia was not very happy when he did not get to start the match with his university´s soccer team. His role as substitute did however give him options he had not thought of beforehand.

I enjoy playing football with my team one to two times per week. In yesterday´s match I was however an unused substitute through the whole match. In many ways, this became a joy since it made it possible to have good talks with the others on the bench. They shared their thoughts on life. Continue reading

We Do Need a New Reformation

"Every occupation has its own honour before God. Ordinary work is a divine vocation or calling." Martin Luther. Photo: Istockphoto

“Every occupation has its own honour before God. Ordinary work is a divine vocation or calling.” Martin Luther. Photo: Istockphoto

Martin Luther gave common people access to God´s word.  There is still a need for giving everyone access to God´s work.

In October, the 500-year anniversary of the reformation was celebrated around the world. The reformation´s importance for the world-wide church can barely be underestimated. One of the most important fruits of Luther´s ministry, was the translation of the Bible into languages that people could understand. Access to the Bible enabled common people to feed themselves, and let their lives be formed, directly from God´s word. Continue reading

Tent Brazil Is Ready to Go

There is a great interest for tentmaking in Brazil, says Gustavo Borges. Last week he presented tentmaking to hundreds of people at a major mission conference in Brazil. Photo: Tent International

There is a great interest for tentmaking in Brazil, says Gustavo Borges. Last week he presented tentmaking to hundreds of people at a major mission conference in Brazil. Photo: Tent International

My dream is to see Christians professionals and students from Brazil move to other nations to glorify God by making a difference in the world, says Gustavo Borges.
He is one of the key people behind Tent Brazil, Tent International´s latest start-up.

The new national Tent-branch was presented at Congresso Brasileiro de Missões (CBM), the major mission conference in Brazil held in the end of October. Tent´s booth at the conference was one of the best attended. Representatives from Tent also had three seminars on tentmaking at the event. Continue reading

From Africa to Jerusalem

Tentmaking is a tool that God has given us to reach the whole world in these end-times, says the organizer of this week’s tentmaking course in Nigeria. Photo: Istockphoto

Many African Christians are ready to suffer for Christ and his Kingdom when they bring the Gospel through North Africa and back to Jerusalem.

The Chinese “Back to Jerusalem”-movement is well-known for its commitment to lead people to Jesus and plant churches along the former Silk Road between China and the Middle East. Continue reading