Christian Missions Hard Hit by Corona Pandemic

Estimates done by The International Labour Organization (ILO) indicates that 25 million jobs can be lost worldwide due to the corona pandemic. The expansion of the Gospel may also be hard hit by the financial downturn caused by the Covid 19 virus.

“Global Intent and Tent International operate entirely in the global job market. The loss of jobs worldwide makes it much more difficult to find international assignments,” says Steinar Opheim, director of Tent International. 

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Building a Stronger Online Presence

The GO Equipped courses run by Global Intent and Tent International are hard hit by the Covid 19 travel bans. The two sister agencies are now working hard to make their training courses available online.

“Our GO Equipped-courses have been in higher demand than we have been able to deliver. For years we have wanted to make it possible to take the courses online. The increased number of ‘live’ courses has however slowed down the work of preparing things for a digital platform. Now it looks like course cancellations due to the Covid 19 outbreak may give us the needed time to bring the teaching online. Online courses will give us capacity to train more people, so something good will definitely come out of this crisis,” says Global Intent’s director Phill Sandahl.

Many cancellations

For now planned GO Equipped courses in Nigeria in March and South Africa in June have been postponed or cancelled. A course in Norway in May is pending until Norwegian authorities give further instructions on what people there may or may not do next month. GO Experience seminars in Liberia and Brazil have also been postponed or cancelled. 

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Tentmaking Trainers Collaborate

Global Intent and Tent International have been working closely together since 2000. In the photo Global Intent’s director, Phill Sandahl, receives a t-shirt from Tent Nigeria’s director, Victor Agbonkpolor, at Tent International’s leader summit in September last year. 

International tentmaking bodies join forces

Two of the world’s leading resource centers on tentmaking are now joining forces. By collaborating tighter Global Intent and Tent International aim at empowering greater numbers of professionals and businesspeople to bring the gospel to new workplaces, regions and people groups.

“Our aim is helping people to become effective disciple makers in the marketplace. By working closer together, we are getting a more global network where professionals, businesspeople and students can get the training and support they need,” says Phill Sandahl, director of Global Intent. 

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