Global Intent Launches a LinkedIn Page

Global Intent has launched a LinkedIn page to provide another resource for tentmakers. It also hopes to make its thinking more accessible to the Christian professional community.

The page puts Global Intent in the internet space used by the professional community. Most tentmakers come from this community of working professionals in diverse occupational fields. LinkedIn is the place where those workers network.

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Did You Know?

Did you see the above memes when they first appeared in social media? Did you want to know more about the details? It was part of a “Did You Know” series of inspiring facts about tentmaker experiences.

Now it is time to tell the rest of the story. The back story to SOME OF these stories will be revealed without compromising the people involved. It will be an inspirational series.

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8 Simple Ways to Engage Culture

“The most effective evangelism—by far—occurs through meaningful relationships between Christians and non-Christians.”

“…we must be close enough to unbelievers for Christ to be observed and experienced through us.”

“One reason that 85+% of today’s churches are not growing is that the social networks of people in these churches are almost entirely within the church.”

These challenging observations come from Charles Arn’s research described in “The Silver Bullet for Disciple Making.”

The key is getting Christians and non-Christians together. These principles apply even more so to the tentmakers working overseas. They have the additional complication that they have to cross cultural and ethnic barriers as well. At first glance this task may appear daunting.

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The word became flesh and blood and moved into the workplace

No matter where you live, Christmas may be the best time to share about Jesus with the people in your workplace. 

“What kind of psychology did you use yesterday? I was nearly convinced that what you shared was true.”

Some friends had come over to our Caucasian home for afternoon tea the day after Christmas. They had been there on Christmas day as well and we had all experienced something unexplainable. Our living room had been more than fully crowded. It was all messy and noisy as people were sitting everywhere and kids were either crying or running around. Our guests were colleagues, neighbors, and friends we got to know during the few years we stayed in our city. Although next to none of them were followers of Jesus, they had all said yes to come and celebrate Christmas with us. 

When I stood up to share what Christmas is all about, the room went totally quiet. The change was so immense and came so fast that none of us really understood what happened. I felt a holy presence as I told a short version of how and why Jesus came to our world. 

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