The Global Job Market

The global economy opens the door to greater opportunity than ever before. Now is the time to prepare for the next step.

COVID has put a temporary pause in the international job market opportunity, but things will soon rebound. Tentmakers are beginning to return. Some never left.

The Opportunity

Many people have never considered the global job market and are intimidated at the prospect of getting into it. Here are some pre-pandemic statistics to think about:

1.       Globally 45% of employers say they cannot find all the talent they need.

2.       Countries that do not accept missionaries will pay Christians to come when they bring skills needed to develop that country economically.

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New Resources for Tentmakers


On the Global Intent YouTube channel there is a collection of videos by and for tentmakers There are tentmaker stories, how-to lessons, what you need to know to be an effective tentmaker, among other topics. The most recent additions include Andrew Scott, president of OM-USA, on shifting trends in missions. And Ari Rocklin presents the case for tentmaking as a Digital Nomad.

Training in Spanish

With the growing interest in tentmaking among the Spanish-speaking world key articles are being translated.

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Tentmaking Seminar Brings Latin America Together

An online seminar on tentmaking unites people from nearly all Latin-American nations. “We believe this seminar will help more Latin-Americans to take the Gospel to the world,” says Gustavo Borges, one of the main persons behind the online event.

The seminar is run every Thursday in February and covers basic information and encouraging insights for people who consider serving God through working, doing business or studying cross-culturally. 

“Many Christians from Latin America move abroad as expat workers, entrepreneurs and post-graduate students. The seminar gives us a great opportunity to share the tentmaking vision with such people. We want to help the Christians who go to be more intentional in sharing the Gospel,” says Gustavo Borges. He serves as the director for Tent Brazil. Among the others who have taken part in planning the seminar, are Mirka Peña, director of Tent Dominicana and Phill Sandahl, director of Global Intent. 

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The Surgeon Who Operated for Christ

The job opportunities are many, but the Christians who are willing to go, are few. Nowhere in the world is this truer than in the Middle East.  In order to honor one of those who decided to serve in the Middle East, we share the story of Jany Haddad who worked as a medical doctor in Syria. He finished his race six months ago.  

More than 250.000 Christians left Aleppo during the war in Syria. Despite being shot at by snipers and having to hide during numerous bomb attacks, the surgeon Jany Haddad decided to stay and operate for Christ. 

“If we all leave, who will then give people the Gospel,” said Jany Haddad when TMT spoke to him at a conference in Budapest in 2016. If he had wanted to, the Syrian-Armenian surgeon could have moved out of Aleppo and Syria both before and during the war. As a dual citizen of Syria and Armenia he was free to travel. In Armenia he had a home waiting for him, and he was offered well-paid positions in UK and Cyprus. He did however feel that he could not leave.

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