GO Equipped In-Person Course Coming to Atlanta this Fall

Do you have a desire to serve Jesus through your profession, business or studies?

The GO Equipped course is designed for students, businesspeople, workers and professionals who desire to let faith and work go hand in hand.  The course has an international focus but is also very valuable if you want to learn new things about serving Jesus at your current workplace.

The course introduces you to major subjects that are essential for every current or aspiring tentmaker. This includes teaching in areas such as:

• Businesspeople, professionals and students in God’s global strategy

• Why did God create work?

• Six ways of bringing your faith to work

• The international job market and how to find a job

• Business as Mission

• Building your cross-cultural understanding and competence

• Team dynamics

• Good tools for serving Jesus through your work

• Spiritual disciplines and workplace discipleship

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Reaching the Unreached – a book review

“You can’t read this book without becoming uncomfortable or convicted.” declares Jones at the beginning of his book.

Who Is This For?

This is helpful for reaching unreached whether around the block, or around the world.

The author, Peyton Jones, is a Great Commission church planter. He is a student of the Primitive (early) church. He studies the methods of Jesus and the Apostle Paul and adapts them for today’s context/

More importantly, he is an out-of-the-box thinker. He brings a fresh look at old themes and brings practical applications to the work of the mission of God for his Kingdom workers.

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Business as Mission and the Church – a Lausanne Report review

The Business as Mission (BAM) Think Tank of the Lausanne Committee just issued their latest report titled, “Business as Mission and the Church.” It is well worth a read.

Executive Summary

“We believe the local church can effectively disciple and equip their members to have a positive influence on the marketplace.

“The BAM and the Church Consultation Group focused on the role of business as mission in and through the local church. While the modern business as mission movement has been growing and expanding globally for several decades, much of this growth has been outside of local church contexts.

“Yet the BAM Manifesto, published twenty years ago, thoroughly grounded this movement in the Church when it ended with these recommendations:

We call upon the Church worldwide to identify, affirm, pray for, commission and release businesspeople and entrepreneurs to exercise their gifts and calling as businesspeople in the world—among all peoples and to the ends of the earth. We call upon businesspeople globally to receive this affirmation and to consider how their gifts and experience might be used to help meet the world’s most pressing spiritual and physical needs through Business as Mission.

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