Latin America is awakening to tentmaking. The vision for reaching least reached peoples with the gospel has taken root.
Peoples from Latin America are uniquely equipped to be ambassadors for God to some people groups more resistant to hearing from North American and European missionaries. The cultural gap is narrower.
Tentmaker Training Activities
Tentmaker training projects are springing up all over the region. Brazil, the largest country, has its own training center lead by an alumnus of both Global Intent and Tent. Gustavo Borges now leads Tent Brazil. He is also helping with initiatives in other Spanish-speaking countries. They have been offering training courses and seminars for the past three years.
Gustavo is now working with Ecuador to establish training in that country.
Global Intent was invited to lead a session in Mexico City with MoveIn. That lead to an invitation to conduct training in Cuba this April. Plans are still being worked out for another training event, with a different ministry in Cost Rica later this year.
Tent International is also working with the Dominican Republic to establish Tent DR. Last year they held their first training event.
Open Network works with people doing Business as Mission (BAM) and has a representative in South America.
Other leaders from Latin America have contacted Global Intent from time to time. The interest is growing. There may be other movements I am not aware of. Please let me know (phill@intent.org) if you know of other groups doing training. My dream would be to see a fellowship of all groups promoting tentmaking sharing ideas and encouraging each other.
This month a Spanish translation of the tentmaking book, Scatter, comes out in Spanish. A Portuguese translation is also in the works. More materials are being produced for the future.
Future Training Opportunities
TMT publishes a list of all known tentmaking under the EVENTS tab. Check it out for additional training opportunities. If you know of events that are not listed, please contact TMT and info@tentmaking.today so they can be added to the directory. If you are interested in organizing a training event in your country, contact Phill.
By Phill Sandahl