Whatever happened to Intent?


Since the 80’s, Intent, formerly the U.S. Association 
of Tentmakers, based in Colorado Springs, organized conferences to spread its message and enhance the networking of tentmaker-minded mission leaders, churches, and strategists.

Watch this space for an inspiring upcoming story from the founders and leaders of Intent. For those of us who were able to attend their impacting conferences, we will forever be grateful for the accomplishments and relationships that were built during that era.

If you’ve tried visiting the Intent website for the past few years, perhaps you’ve noticed it was mostly static. It is our prayer that this will change soon. Before releasing any details on future plans, we have decided to spend 40 days in prayer to seek God and to learn from him what that future should look like.

Would you join this already ongoing worldwide prayer meeting by committing to one minute of prayer per day until Aug 31?

If so, check out our daily prayer topics here. We also ask you to write down what you feel God is telling you during this prayer time and submit it on the website at the end of the 40-days. All of your insights will be read by a team of people in Bergen, Norway as we meet for a time of prayer over the future of Intent.


P.S. Feel free to make the graphic your desktop background for the duration of the
prayer time. It will remind you to pray as you turn on your computer.