Preparing to run the race
Skills You Need to Develop
Practice Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Like Jesus, the tentmaker develops in all areas. Body, mind, human relationships and relationship to God are all important. The tentmaker needs to be well-rounded and develop in all areas.
Relationship to God
- Develop a habit of prayer.
- Listen to what God is saying and get in tune with him.
- Learn to be attentive to what God is doing and align your activity around what God is doing.
- Continually study and improve your knowledge of the Bible. Apply it in your life in everyday activities.
- Practice personal godliness.
Relationships with men and women
- Develop your relationship skills.
- Maintain healthy family relationships.
- Cultivate friendships with non-believers. Too many believers are so comfortable with their circle of fellow Jesus followers they never learn to relate to non-believers. You can’t reach those who need Jesus if you don’t get close to them.
- Develop a base support team. Teaching them about tentmaking and prayer pray with them about where God is leading you. These may come from your church, agency, or a close prayer group.
- Seek out like-minded people to join you.
Wisdom Needs to Be Developed in several Areas
- God’s story through history – Can you tell it in your own words?
- Leading small groups in bible study – You should be participating in some kind of small group Bible study and learning how to lead them.
- Your story of Jesus in your life. Practice telling people your story of how Jesus is a part of your life.
- Discipling people where you are. Are you being discipled? Are you in turn discipling someone else?
Faith in the Workplace
- Can you answer, “Why did God make work?” You need to understand and be able to explain God’s perspective on work.
- Know your strengths and passions and identify where God wants to use you.
- Work with excellence in your field or profession.
Get tentmaker specific training
- Fishing evangelism. https://intent.org/workplace-or-campus-evangelism-fishing-out-seekers-summary/.
- Develop hospitality skills.
- Develop cross cultural skills or experience.
- TESL training or experience – preferred. No matter what your profession, people will come and want you to help them learn English. This can be an opening for building relationships.
Develop a Plan for Getting There
Global Intent has worked with hundreds of tentmakers. While each case is different if follows a similar course.
- Begin with prayer. Seek the Lord and ask for his wisdom and guidance.
- Evaluate your skills and strengths and understand how God uniquely designed you with passions and abilities for the task he has for you. No one else can fill that niche as well as you. If you need help with this, coaching is available.
- Get informed:
- Subscribe to and follow TMT
- Read the resource articles from tentmaker training organizations like Global Intent http://intent.org and Tent International http://tentinternational.org.
- Enroll in an onsite training program. See http://tentmaking.today/events. There are shorter seminars for general information and longer, intensive training courses.
- Contact a training agency and let them know how God is leading in your life.
- Check your readiness – see above
- Make a plan. Be intentional.
- Continue learning. Identify areas where you need to hone your skills and get additional training.
- Share what God is showing you with friends and your pastor(s). Seek counsel.
- Be encouraged and persist. God will show you the perfect fit for the way he made you.
When you get stuck talk to someone and get help. Get a coach to work with you.
By Phill Sandahl