If I Were a Tentmaker

After 20 years of mobilizing and equipping tentmakers, hearing their stories after they have returned home, learning what has worked and what has not, I have been able to put together this list on how I would do ministry as a tentmaker based on their experiences.


…maintain my own spiritual vitality by spending regular time in Word & prayer. Continue reading

The Devil Plays Hardball

Porn kills our love for God and is an obstacle to miinstyDwayne had a master’s degree in English and was teaching international students in his home city. He attended a two hour tentmaking seminar and clearly heard from the Lord that he was to go to an unreached nation as an ESL teacher.

Next he attended a four day intensive course focused on all things tentmaking, where his vision was confirmed.

As someone who has been mobilizing and training tentmakers for 20 years, I have observed that there are 3 points in a tentmakers journey, where the evil one tries his best to stop the tentmaker. Continue reading