Tentmakers as Digital Nomads?

Virtual Missions Fest Workshop on Missional Nomads

I’ve been a speaker at Missions Fest since 2001. Hundreds of people first heard about tentmaking there. Over one hundred of them trained and left for unreached areas using their profession to gain legal entry.

This year, the annual conference is virtual for obvious reasons. On short notice I had to set up a studio in our living room. The end result is a 30 minute unpolished video but the good news is anyone in the world can take part in this seminar. Mark the date and link below.

Missional Nomads to be aired at Mission Central (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver) online conference.

Missional Nomad – Work Abroad – Make Disciples
TIME: Sunday, January 29, 2021 at 2:00pm PST
SPEAKER: Ari Rocklin


You’ve heard of digital nomads, people who work remotely and are location independent. Missional nomads are people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and conduct their life in a nomadic manner. As they go, they desire to live missionally and seek to make disciples.


Ari desires to see new tentmakers leave for places where Jesus’ name is not yet known. He is an inspiring, passionate, and entertaining speaker at many missions conferences, seminars, and Bible schools around the world. He is based in the Gulf Islands of BC, Canada.


By Ari Rocklin