Why in the world do tentmaking? – The Video

Chart from video showing why we need tentmakers

33% of the world’s population have have no reasonable expectation to hear about Jesus

A new video answers the question, “why do tentmaking?” There are three main reasons.

  • ACCESS – A way to enter parts of the world that deny visas and entrance for vocational religious workers. 3.1 Billion people have no reasonable access to the gospel. Most of the least reached live in areas that do not allow vocational religious workers. No wonder they are ignorant of the Gospel. Tentmakers have no closed doors.

  • FUNDING – An alternative to fund-raising when donations fall short. Some mission agencies have been forced to bring workers home due to lack of funds. Other aspiring missionaries give up in frustration and never go when they are unable to raise enough donations. Tentmaking offers a solution.
  • AVAILABLE TO ALL – only a small number of believers are called to be vocational religious workers. But all are called to be disciple-makers. Tentmaking is a disciple-making approach everyone can use to reach the least evangelized. God has uniquely prepared each believer for a disciple-making role he can do better than any other person.
Live Seminars

Global Intent offers seminars to teach the basics of tentmaking. The who, what, when where, why, and how of tentmaking. Thousands of people from all over the world have attended these seminars.

But, not everyone can make it to one of those events and they miss an opportunity to hear what God is doing through tentmaking.


Now you can get the seminar at your convenience. Anytime, anywhere, on your computer screen. Global Intent recorded a live training so now you can watch it on demand.

Maybe you’re thinking you don’t have 2 hours to watch the whole seminar. How about 4 minutes?

Global Intent took excerpts from the whole seminar and boiled it down to a less than 4-minute video. Get answers to your tentmaking questions in a nutshell.

Find it here: http://intent.video/why. Share it with your friends.

Want more? Get access to the whole seminar by going here: http://intent.video/more.

That’s the long and short of it.

By Phill Sandahl