Will the US keep up with the rest of the world?


A focused group of 10 students showed up when Global Opportunities re-launched the organization’s tentmaking course in Pasadena in October. Nevertheless, the US can be left behind as the worldwide tentmaking train is gaining speed and bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The US has been a driving force in the worldwide mission movement. In the same way, Global Opportunities has beena pioneer in developing modern tentmaking. Hundreds of overseas workplace witnesses have received their training through GO’s courses. But nine years into the new millennium, the American tentmaking train has to gain new speed if the US wants to maintain a leading role in what is happening.

In collaboration with its European partner, Tent, GO is now running annual tentmaking courses on three continents.  The training that has been developed by the GO-Tent alliance is also used in other countries. On the African continent it is estimated that 1000 professionals will take the course in 2009. The courses in the US are outnumbered by similar events in Canada, Mali, Norway and Uganda. One thing that is admirable with Americans is their competitive attitude. Americans want to be world leaders and in many areas they are. Hopefully the same attitude can bring the US back as one of the major locomotives in the worldwide movement of tentmakers. The next chance for Americans to jump on the train and get the basic training is the GO Equipped TENTmaking course in Fort Myers, Florida in February of next year.

Nike won the world as a leading manufacturer for sports shoes and clothing. If you want to contribute in winning the world for Jesus as an international workplace witness, the course in Florida is a good starting point. Why not follow Nike’s slogan, book your tickets to Florida immediately and “Just do it”? You can register for the course here.

   Steinar Opheim
   TENT Norway